A voice for everyday cyclists!
The Cork Cycling Campaign was started in 1999 by a group of enthusiastic cyclists who want to make Cork more cycle-friendly.
A voice for everyday cyclists!
The Cork Cycling Campaign was started in 1999 by a group of enthusiastic cyclists who want to make Cork more cycle-friendly.
Top 10 Black Spots for Illegal Parking on Cycle Lanes
We aim to push for the changes needed to ensure streets are safer for cyclists and other active transport users.
10 Junctions requiring urgent Council action
We have highlighted ten of the most dangerouslocations where cyclists regularly face hazards due to poor visibility, confusing layouts, or drivers failing to give way
Connectivity in Cork’s Cycling Network
We urge the development of a well-connected network with key routes to make cycling the convenient choice for everyday trips.

Cycling in Cork
Cork is a developing cycling city, much needs to happen but popularity is rising
Cycling in Cork
Cork is a developing cycling city, much needs to happen but popularity is rising
Lee2Sea Greenway
A long term vision for a safe Cork cycling network
Lee2Sea Greenway
A long term vision for a safe Cork cycling network
Traffic counting
We provide insight into the usage of our roads
Traffic counting
We provide insight into the usage of our roads
Posters & Flyers
Some free artwork we published to use for free
Posters & Flyers
Some free artwork we published to use for free
Join us or donate
We rely on public donations for our advocacy
Join us or donate
We rely on public donations for our advocacy
"As an active person I love to cycle because it is free exercise and good for the environment! It makes me very happy to be outdoors!"
Kjeld -
"I cycle to reduce carbon emissions and pollution; for the chats that couldn’t happen from a car and for free exercise built into my day."
Erin -
"I like cycling to school because it’s faster and I can get there by myself."
Anne -
"I cycle because it’s a great way to get around the city and is so much better for me (and the environment!) than driving."
Sarah -
"I love cycling – it saves my family about €5,000 annually and is the best way to reduce my climate impact."
Dean -
"I cycle because for me it is the easiest way to get around the city for both work and leisure. It allows me to go where I want, faster than walking and none of the hassle of driving."